Category Archives: the green life

homemade chicken stock

We’ve been huge fans of homemade chicken stock in this house. It’s simple to make, easy to freeze, and fullView full post »


I had an epiphany at the beginning of the year about our current pillow situation in the bedroom! We were sleeping onView full post »

the quilt

After Hurricane Sandy hit, Anthony + I donated lots of things for the families hit hardest at the shore. One of theView full post »

how I use dry shampoo

If you are on Pinterest, you’ve probably seen how to make your own “just about anything”, fromView full post »

berkey filtration system | our experience

I first blogged about the Berkey Water Filtration System back in 2011 (and there are still some great tips on that postView full post »

stain removal | the green life

I found this recipe at One Good Thing a few months ago. I knew I had to try it since I already had all the ingredientsView full post »

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